Optional/mandatory changes
Some tags were wrongly marked as mandatory based on the jhotdraw ASTs. I updated the attributes to match (I was working on it when the mandatory attribute was still there but I switched to using optionals). Here's a non-exhaustive list of fixes and their reason (if some are missing and you're not convinced, I'll provide an example on request).
- TryStatement
- catchClauses not mandatory - PrintFileAction ID="234"
- ArrayCreation
- dimensions not mandatory - ToggleViewPropertyAction ID="856"
- CompilationUnit
- imports not mandatory - AbstractHarmonicRule ID="1"
- Initializer
- modifiers not mandatory - JColorWheel ID="3492"
- InfixExpression
- missing this, makes leftoperand not mandatory - AbstractDrawing ID="301"
- missing this, makes rightoperand not mandatory - AbstractApplication ID="4820"
- ConditionalExpression
- missing this, makes thenExpression not mandatory - AbstractFigure ID="2005"
- FieldDeclaration
- modifiers not mandatory - GeneralPathTip ID="401
- MethodDeclaration
- modifiers not mandatory - DefaultDrawingViewTransferHandler ID="80"
- ForStatement
- updaters not mandatory - MDIApplication.java ID="712"
- body not mandatory - TextAreaFigure ID="4542"
- initializers not mandatory (because no EmptyExpression in AST) - BezierPath ID="6858"
- TypeDeclaration
- bodyDeclarations not mandatory - SelectAreaTracker ID="6
- modifiers not mandatory - Polygon2D ID="15"
- EnhancedForStatement
- expression not mandatory (because 'this' missing in AST) - BezierPath ID="8416"
- body not mandatory - similar to ForStatement
- SuperConstructorInvocation
- arguments not mandatory - PaletteTabbedPanelUI ID="290"
- WhileStatement
- body not mandatory - StreamPosTokenizer ID="1396"`
- ...