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TransactionTests.ns 9.51 KiB
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class TransactionTests usingPlatform: platform testFramework: minitest = (
| private Array       = platform kernel Array.
  private Exception   = platform kernel Exception.
  private Dictionary  = platform collections Dictionary.
  private Set         = platform collections Set.
  private Transaction = platform transactions Transaction.
  private TestContext = minitest TestContext.
  private class Hello  = (
  | public a ::= #a.
    public b ::= #b. |)()
  private class Hello2 = Hello (
  | public c ::= #c.
    public d ::= #d. |)()
  private class Hello3 = Hello2 (
  | public e ::= #e.
    public f ::= #f. |)(
    public c    = ( ^ super c  )
    public c: v = ( super c: v )

  private class MutOuter = (
  | public field ::= nil. |
    public class Inner = ()(
      public get = ( ^ field )
      public set: val = ( field:: val )

  public class BasicTests = TestContext (
  | private value ::= false.
    public testAccessor = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ value: true. value ])

    public testAccessorRead = (
      value: true.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ value ])

    public testAccessorWrite = (
      Transaction atomic: [ value: true ].
      assert: value

    public testTemp = (
      | v |
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ v:: true. v ])

    public testTempRead = (
      | v |
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ v ])

    public testTempWrite = (
      | v |
      Transaction atomic: [ v:: true ].
      assert: v

    public testBasicSelf = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ self ]) is: self

    public testBasicSuper = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ super ]) is: self

    public testFieldReads = (
      | h |
      h:: Hello3 new.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h a ]) equals: #a.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h b ]) equals: #b.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h c ]) equals: #c.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h d ]) equals: #d.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h e ]) equals: #e.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h f ]) equals: #f.

    public testFieldReadsMixedInherited = (
      | h |
      h:: Hello2 new.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h a ]) equals: #a.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h b ]) equals: #b.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h c ]) equals: #c.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h d ]) equals: #d.

    public testFieldWrite = (
      | h |
      h:: Hello3 new.

      Transaction atomic: [ h a: #A ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h a ]) equals: #A.

      Transaction atomic: [ h b: #B ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h b ]) equals: #B.

      Transaction atomic: [ h c: #C ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h c ]) equals: #C.

      Transaction atomic: [ h d: #D ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h d ]) equals: #D.

      Transaction atomic: [ h e: #E ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h e ]) equals: #E.

      Transaction atomic: [ h f: #F ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h f ]) equals: #F.

    public testFieldWriteMixedInherited = (
      | h |
      h:: Hello2 new.

      Transaction atomic: [ h a: #A ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h a ]) equals: #A.

      Transaction atomic: [ h b: #B ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h b ]) equals: #B.

      Transaction atomic: [ h c: #C ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h c ]) equals: #C.

      Transaction atomic: [ h d: #D ].
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h d ]) equals: #D.

    public testOuter = (
      | h |
      h:: MutOuter new Inner new.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h set: #a. h get ]) equals: #a

    public testOuterRead = (
      | h |
      h:: MutOuter new Inner new.
      h set: #a.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ h get ]) equals: #a

    public testOuterWrite = (
      | h |
      h:: MutOuter new Inner new.
      Transaction atomic: [ h set: #a ].
      assert: h get equals: #a

    public testInlinedAndOr = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ true  and: [ true  ] ]).
      deny:   (Transaction atomic: [ false and: [ true  ] ]).
      deny:   (Transaction atomic: [ true  and: [ false ] ]).
      deny:   (Transaction atomic: [ false and: [ false ] ]).

      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ true  or: [ true  ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ false or: [ true  ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ true  or: [ false ] ]).
      deny:   (Transaction atomic: [ false or: [ false ] ]).

    public testInlinedIfNil = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ nil  ifNil:    [ true  ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ self ifNotNil: [ true  ] ]).

    public testInlinedIfTrue = (
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ true  ifTrue:  [ true  ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ false ifFalse: [ true  ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ true  ifTrue:  [ true  ] ifFalse: [ false ] ]).
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ false ifTrue:  [ false ] ifFalse: [ true  ] ]).

    public testInlinedToDo = (
      | x |
      x:: 0.
      Transaction atomic: [ 1 to: 10 do: [:i | x:: x + i ] ].
      assert: x equals: 55.

      x:: 0.
      Transaction atomic: [ 1 to: 10 by: 2 do: [:i | x:: x + i ] ].
      assert: x equals: 25.

    public testInlinedWhile = (
      | i x |
      i:: 1. x:: 0.
      Transaction atomic: [ [ i <= 10 ] whileTrue: [ x:: x + i. i:: i + 1 ] ].
      assert: x equals: 55.

      i:: 1. x:: 0.
      Transaction atomic: [ [ i > 10 ] whileFalse: [ x:: x + i. i:: i + 1 ] ].
      assert: x equals: 55

    public testArray = (
      | array |
      array:: Array new: 1.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ array at: 1 put: true. array at: 1 ]).

    public testArrayRead = (
      | array |
      array:: Array new: 1.
      array at: 1 put: true.
      assert: (Transaction atomic: [ array at: 1 ]).

    public testArrayWrite = (
      | array |
      array:: Array new: 1.
      Transaction atomic: [ array at: 1 put: true ].
      assert: (array at: 1).

    public testNestedArrayReads = (
      (* This is to test that the implementation handles nested array
         expressions correctly *)
      | arr1 arr2 arr3 r |
      arr1:: Array new: 1 withAll: 0.
      arr2:: Array new: 1 withAll: 0.
      arr3:: Array new: 1 withAll: 0.
      r:: Transaction atomic: [
        arr1 at: 1 put: 42.
        arr2 at: 1 put: 1.
        arr3 at: 1 put: 1.

        arr1 at: (arr2 at: (arr3 at: 1)) ].

      assert: r equals: 42.

    public testCaughtException = (
      | v |
      Transaction atomic: [
        [ v:: 1. Exception signal ]
          on: Exception
          do: [ v:: v + 1 ] ].
      assert: v equals: 2.

    (* TODO: What's the desired exception semantics. Should an exception abort it? *)
    public testUncaughtException = (
      | v |
      v:: 0.
      [ Transaction atomic: [ v:: 1. Exception signal ] ]
        on: Exception
        do: [ v:: v + 1 ].
      assert: v equals: 2.
  ) : ( TEST_CONTEXT = () )

  public class CollectionsTests = TestContext ()(
    public testArrayLongTx = (
      | arr |
      Transaction atomic: [ arr:: Array new: 10 withAll: 1. ].

      Transaction atomic: [ 3 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        arr at: each put: (arr at: each - 1) + (arr at: each - 2) ] ].

      3 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (arr at: each) - (arr at: each - 1) equals: (arr at: each - 2) ]

    public testArrayShortTx = (
      | arr |
      Transaction atomic: [ arr:: Array new: 10 withAll: 1. ].

      3 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        Transaction atomic: [
          arr at: each put: (arr at: each - 1) + (arr at: each - 2) ] ].

      3 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (arr at: each) - (arr at: each - 1) equals: (arr at: each - 2) ]

    public testDictionaryLongTx = (
      | dict |
      dict:: Dictionary new.

      Transaction atomic: [ 1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        dict at: each put: each ] ].

      assert: dict size equals: 10.

      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (dict at: each) equals: each ]

    public testDictionaryShortTx = (
      | dict |
      dict:: Dictionary new.

      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        Transaction atomic: [ dict at: each put: each ] ].

      assert: dict size equals: 10.

      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (dict at: each) equals: each ]

    public testSetLongTx = (
      | set |
      set:: Set new.

      Transaction atomic: [ 1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        set add: each ] ].

      assert: set size equals: 10.
      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (set contains: each) ]

    public testSetShortTx = (
      | set |
      set:: Set new.

      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        Transaction atomic: [ set add: each ] ].

      assert: set size equals: 10.
      1 to: 10 do: [ :each |
        assert: (set contains: each) ]
  ) : ( TEST_CONTEXT = () )

  public class PrimitiveValuesTests = TestContext ()(
    class Fields = (
    | public a
      public b
      public c
      public d
      public e
      public f |

    (* This is a regression test for an issue committing primitive fields.
       Primitive fields would be read as object fields and the freshly boxed
       values compared by identity, which necessarily failed.
       Before the bug was fixed, this test would loop infinetly. *)
    public testCommitOfObjectWithPrimitiveSlots = (
      | obj = Fields new. |
      obj a: 1.
      obj b: 2.
      obj c: 3.
      obj d: 1.1.
      obj e: 2.2.
      obj f: 3.3.

      assert: (Transaction atomic: [
        obj c: 6. true ]).
  ) : ( TEST_CONTEXT = () )